We had the honour of hosting the USA country session at the Tamil Nadu Global Investors Meet 2024. Our focus was on exploring investment opportunities in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu’s business-friendly environment has attracted investments from several U.S. companies. During the session, we highlighted the importance of continued collaboration and partnerships between U.S. companies, research institutions, and their counterparts in Tamil Nadu. This collaborative effort aims to significantly contribute to the growth of India’s economy and further strengthen the bilateral relationship.
- Christopher Hodges, U.S. Consul General, Chennai
- Bhuvan Anandakrishnan, Vice-President, Caterpillar
- Kuntal Kumar Verma, Chief Manufacturing Officer, First Solar
- Kami Viswanathan, President – Middle East, Indian Subcontinentand Africa, FedEx
Nivedita Mehra, Managing Director, US-India Strategic Partnership
Forum (USISPF)
Thanks to our members and audience for joining the session!